7/13/2020 Press Conference on COVID-19 Updates
/On July 13th, Governor Baker gave a press conference to provide a COVID-19 update on Testing, Hospitalizations, Phase III, and Special Needs Funding.
Here is the summary.
Yesterday, over 11,000 tests were reported in MA with 172 new positive cases reported. MA has now reached over 1,200,000 tests administered so far.
The seven day average for positive case rates is about 1.7%. This is a 94% decrease from the middle of April.
As of yesterday, there are currently just over 583 individuals hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 and around 93 of those individuals are in the ICU.
Please do not hesitate to contact your health care provider about any concerns you may have, COVID-19 related or not. Telehealth is currently a covered benefit in MA that will be extended to cover all residents until at least the end of the calendar year.
Phase III
Boston will start Phase 3 today, July 13th. Please continue to wear face coverings, practice good handwashing/hygiene, and stay at home if you feel sick.
As we move along the phases of reopening, workforce safety standards and guidelines must be followed. Please go to mass.gov/compliance to submit a report of noncompliance.
Special Needs Funding
The pandemic has had an especially severe impact on our students with special needs.
Governor Baker announced a $16.1 million relief package for residential school providers for students with special needs.
This is critical for our students who would be burdened by hybrid learning.
As MA prepares to bring our students back to school in September, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESI) has released comprehensive guidance for special education.
DESI has also released extended school year guidance to allow for special education day programs to open now.