7/8/2020 Press Conference on COVID-19 Updates
/On July 8th, Governor Baker gave a press conference to provide a COVID-19 update on Testing, Hospitalizations, and the new Stop The Spread Initiative.
Here is the summary.
Yesterday, over 7,200 tests were reported in MA with 140 new positive cases reported. MA has now reached over 1,200,000 tests administered so far.
The seven day average for positive case rates is about 1.9%. This is a 93% decrease from the middle of April.
As of yesterday, there are currently just over 621 individuals hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 and around a 100 are in the ICU.
Please do not hesitate to contact your health care provider about any concerns you may have, COVID-19 related or not. Telehealth is currently a covered benefit in MA that will be extended to cover all residents until at least the end of the calendar year.
Stop The Spread Testing Initiative
This new initiative will begin on Friday, July 10th and run for the next 4 to 5 weeks. The program will be launched in 8 specific communities, where the prevalence of COVID-19 is above the statewide average and where there has been a decrease in testing volume since April.
What is the goal of this initiative?
The goal is to provide widespread asymptomatic testing in an easy to access location within these communities. Increased testing within these communities will help to identify new cases of COVID-19 and help stop the spread.
How were the 8 communities selected?
The 8 communities selected show the most specific need at this point in time, based on four metrics. The Administration analyzed data from all 351 cities and towns while looking for areas that had elevated total spread, elevated spread over the past two weeks, high positive test rates for the past two weeks, and declining test volume since the end of April.
Which 8 communities were selected?
The initiative will be launched in Chelsea, Everett, Fall River, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Marlborough, and New Bedford.
These communities make up approximately 9% of the MA population, but have seen 27% of the Commonwealth’s positive tests in the past 2 weeks.
Residents of these 8 communities can visit mass.gov/stopthespread to find out where testing in their communities will be available. Some locations will be in brick and mortar sites and others will be in mobile vans that will be located in various sites throughout those communities. There will be advertisements of these sites in 6 different languages to help get the word out.
If you live in these communities, please take advantage of the free test sites even if they don’t have symptoms.
What do you do if you test positive?
Self-isolating and limiting your contact with others is a crucial part to stopping the spread. For many people it is hard to self isolate at home, which is why MA has established isolation recovery programs for individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to have a safe place to go. So far, almost 500 individuals have been served by the program.
MA has kept two recovery programs, in Northampton and Everett, open. They are available at no cost and there is transportation to and from the program. If you are in need, please call 617-367-5150.
Please remember to answer the call if you are contacted by the contact tracing collaborative or your local board of health. Answering the call and sharing information about your close contacts helps MA track the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe.